Quotations That Inspire

(Elizabeth R. Vaughan, M.D.)

 “Without the miraculous, Christianity is another dead religion.” “What the masses crave is not a new religion, but a new life.”

From T.L. Osborn DVD “Docu-Miracle Film Library Collection” #5 on India

“I need an army, not a militia.” Lord to Dr. Vaughan 1/14/18

 “I delegated My authority over the devil to the church and I can work only through the church, for I am the Head of the church.”

 Jesus to Kenneth E. Hagin in I Believe in Visions p.80

 Love “does not take into account a wrong suffered.”

(1 Cor. 13:5 NAS) “Love never fails.” (v.8)

“When you use My name, it opens the door for Me to do it.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 2/2/18

 The Lord told Kathryn Kuhlman, “You lost your life for My sake, but you found it in Me.” Her comment was, “I found my life, for I lost my will to His will.”

From Kathryn Kuhlman CD “Our Will Under Holy Spirit Control”

“No one can understand Me unless they are like Me.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 3/13/18

 “The glory brings an ease.”

Ruth Ward Heflin in Glory p.137

 “The thoughts of men speak louder in heaven than do their words on earth.” (Angel to William Branham in William Branham a Man Sent From God by Gordon Lindsay p.79)

 “I am through forever with everything in life but the proclamation and demonstration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” John G. Lake in Adventures in God p.61

 “Your sole duty for the rest of your life is to let Me be Me through you.” 

Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 12/4/17

“Jesus did not say. “All power is given to Me in heaven and in earth, but I will keep it a secret and never manifest any of it in any way that anyone can notice.”

Maria Woodworth-Etter Her Life and Ministry (CFNI) p.55

“The door to the supernatural is crucifixion.” (I.e. dying to your self-will)

Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 3/12/18

“A drowning man can’t save a drowning man.”                                                       

“You have something God does not have…a body.”

Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 2/25/18 (Jesus needs a body)

 “I will tuck you safely under My wing and they would have to come through Me to get to you…which is IMPOSSIBLE!”

God our Father to Dr. Vaughan 2/3/18

“Faith and reason can’t live under the same roof.”

Rev. Wayne Myers, 96 years old, 4/21/19

“I’m absolutely dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit I have nothing to give. Nothing.”

Kathryn Kuhlman., A Glimpse Into Glory, p.4

“The only way into the deeper things of God, the power of God, is when we can say,

‘I no longer live.’ “

Smith Wigglesworth, Faith that Prevails p.45

“I don’t need a wimp; I need a warrior.” Lord to Dr. Vaughan 8/4/18

“Nothing manifests in this dimension without a body.”

Jesus to Dr. Clarice Fluitt, Ridiculous Miracles p.89

“You preach the Kingdom of God, and I’ll make it come.

You preach it and I’ll make it come. You preach it and I’ll make it come.”

God awakened me at 2:30 am and said this over and over 8/3/17, Dr. Vaughan

“You do your best and God will do the rest.” Geri Hudson Morgan

“Who can spread My wings and touch you in your secret place?”

God our Father to Dr. Vaughan 11/2001

“I will hide you in the cloud of My presence.”

Our Father to Dr. Vaughan 3/20/18

“I’m the voice of the Father through you.” (As the Holy Spirit was through Jesus-

 John 14:10, Deut. 18:18) Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 1/21/18

 “The ‘baptism’ as we received it in the beginning did not allow us to think, speak, or hear evil of any man. We knew the moment we had grieved the Spirit by an unkind thought or word. We seemed to live in a sea of pure divine love.” Frank Bartleman @ Azusa Street revival (From TBN Special Centennial Edition on Azusa Street p.33)

“I believe God’s ministers are to be flames of fire, nothing less than flames, mighty instruments with burning messages, with such a depth of consecration that God has taken full charge (control) of the body, and it exists only that it may manifest the glory of God.”

 Smith Wigglesworth

“You must operate by spiritual sight, not by natural sight.” Jesus to Dr. Vaughan 8/6/18

 The Holy Spirit awakened me with these three things on the morning I was speaking to church leaders in Cape Town, South Africa. July 2017

1—Lead as you are led.

2—Your ability to lead can never exceed your ability to follow

3—Learn to be led.

 “If you do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.” (Jesus, Mark 11:26)

Comment: So guess where unforgiveness will send you!

There is a chapter in my book, Jesus Needs a Body, which explains a revelation the Spirit gave me called, “Erasing the I”. The “I” (focus on self) in a person hinders the flow of the Spirit through them. Later I ran across this quotation, “Someone has said you are no good until you have your I knocked out.” (Smith Wigglesworth in Dare to Believe p.55)

It is interesting that the Holy Spirit said virtually the same thing decades apart. He is the same yesterday, and today, and forever.

“It hurts Me for you to doubt Me.” Jesus to Dr. Vaughan 8/6/18

“Jesus is the perfect will of God.” Geri Hudson Morgan

 “There is really no limit to what God can do with a person, providing that one will not touch the glory. God is still waiting for one who will be more fully devoted to Him than any who has ever lived; who will be willing to be nothing that Christ may be all; who will grasp God’s own purposes and taking His humility and His faith, His love and His power—without hindering, let God do great things.”

Kathryn Kuhlman in letter to Dr. Vaughan Jan.8, 1975

 “I pray the Lord will use this to stir hunger in thousands of people who will come to know the Lord intimately and to be used to demonstrate the supernatural more effectively.”

Pastor Greg Mohr (re Glory Stories Now on YouTube and TV)

“Give Me an opportunity to move and I will move.”

Lord to Dr. Rodney Howard-Browne

“I am the ease maker and the joy breaker (i.e. make joy break forth) if they will only crucify the flesh and let My life flow through them.” Jesus to Dr. Vaughan  3/9/18

The devil said to Smith Wigglesworth, “You can’t cast me out.” Wigglesworth said, “Jesus can and He’s in me…so come out in the Name of Jesus.” Thirty-four demons came out of the woman. Zoe: The God-Kind of Life  p54

“I have delegated My authority over the devil to you on the earth. If you don’t do anything about rebuking the devil, then nothing will be done, and that is why many times nothing is done.” Jesus to Kenneth E. Hagin in I Believe in Visions  p81

“You are more than a conqueror, you are an annihilator.”

Lord said to Dr. Vaughan several times -2018

“Power and demonstration birthed out of intimacy with the Holy Spirit is the new sickle needed for the coming harvest. New wine and new wheat require new wineskins and new tools.”1/18/19 Holy Spirit to Catherine Chandler

“It’s your body, but it’s My life.” Lord to Dr. Vaughan 3/2/19

“Fasting can’t take the place of fellowship, but fellowship can take the place of fasting.”  Lord to Dr. Vaughan 2/11/19

“How can I act like Myself through someone who operates by looking in the natural? The natural is irrelevant.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 8/6/18 (How could Jesus walk on water, make a blind man see, or do any other miraculous feats if He was looking in the natural?)

“For the river of God to flow out of you, the throne of God has to be within you.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 5/2018

“There is no sickness that can stand in My presence.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 7/8/18

“If you are not walking in peace then you are out of step with Jesus Who is our peace” Lord to Dr. Vaughan 6/18/18

“My words and my preaching were not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power.” Paul in 1 Cor. 2:4

 Quickened to Dr. Vaughan 11/22/18

“I will set fires in the bosom of those that want Me to use them and are willing to be crucified.” Lord to Dr. Vaughan 2/16/18

“You must see the target before you can hit the target.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan in reference to praying for people’s needs 4/2018

“Being nothing makes life easy and fun.” Dr. Vaughan 3/9/18

“There has never been any defeat in Me. I always win. Light annihilates darkness.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 1/23/18

“If you don’t believe, I can’t do anything for you.”

William Branham on VHS “Deep calleth unto deep”

“It doesn’t matter how you started. The only thing that matters is how you finish.”

Dr. Vaughan 6/19/16

 “You were created to create with your words like Me.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 8/4/18

Let us keep our hearts on fire with the endless supply of Holy Ghost oil.

 Dr. Vaughan 7/8/18

**“Every sickness is of the devil. God doesn’t put sickness on His children, the devil does.” William Branham from “Deep calleth unto Deep” VHS

**“It is God’s will to heal you because sickness comes from Satan not from God, and God doesn’t want His children to have anything that belongs to Satan,”

Seven Things You Should Know About Divine Healing by Kenneth E. Hagin p. 9

**“He viewed all sickness as the oppression of the devil.”

Secrets of Smith Wiggglesworth by W. Hacking

 “Jesus had a little lamb and oh He loved him so.

And everywhere that Jesus went the lamb was sure to go.

Through bright sunny days and dark nights too,

He held that sweet lamb, for that lamb is YOU.”

Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 2014

Our job is to trust Him for a demonstration of His presence.

Dr. Vaughan 7/5/17

“Let My life be made manifest through your life.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 8/6/18

“He has anointed us with power and special gifts to demonstrate the power and presence of Christ in visible manner.”

 Maria Woodworth-Etter Her Life and Ministry (CFNI) p.56

“As He is, so are we in this world.” (1 John 4:17)

“John, if you really want revival, don’t tell Me how to do it or when to do it, You’ll have to step out of the way.” Holy Spirit to John Kilpatrick of the Pensacola Revival (As reported in TBN Special Centennial Edition, p.102)

During a near death experience a patient of mine was not permitted to go into heaven because of sin in his life. As he was going back to earth the Holy Spirit told him:

1- Find no fault.

2- Judge no one.

3- Love everyone.

“Wipe the slate clean.” Jesus to me 2018.  Sin and sickness were both removed at the same time by Jesus at Calvary. Both were wiped away by Jesus when healing the man at the pool of Bethesda, and the man lowered through the roof by his friends. He wants us to follow His example.

“When the Lord appeared to me years ago, He said something that changed my life forever! He said a person will never receive beyond their expectancy! Expectancy is the key to the doorway of receiving God’s blessings.” Sam Sweg 4-21-18

A dead man won’t be affected by praise or criticism. Dr. Vaughan

“When one is controlled by the Holy Spirit he will never be boastful. Never.”

 Kathryn Kuhlman, A Glimpse Into Glory, p.20

 “I’m not moved by what I see.  I’m not moved by what I feel. I’m moved by what I believe.” During an interview on TBN, Kenneth E. Hagin reported that Smith Wigglesworth said this.

“Jesus reached the masses by casting out devils and healing afflicted humanity. The disciples did the same and we should do so also. Otherwise, many will never be saved.” Maria Woodworth-Etter Her Life and Ministry (CFNI) p.58

Stay submerged in My river of provision, without a care in the world.”

Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 12/31/18

“They will flee to Me to be set free, because of the manifestations of My reality.”

Jesus to Dr. Vaughan 4-26-19

“Whether you believe you can or whether you believe you can’t, either way you are right.” Seen at Mug and Bean restaurant in Cape Town South Africa 4/2017

It’s my body, but it’s His life. Dr. Vaughan 4/30/2019

“Bind before you are bound.”

Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan, Matt.16:19; 18:18

“Out of a crucified life flows the river of God, and everything that river touches has life.” Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 5-6-19

“Why He called me, I do not know. The only reason I can give you is the fact that I knew I had nothing…” She told Him, “Lord Jesus, if you can take nothing, use it.” 

Kathryn Kuhlman, A Glimpse Into Glory, p. 13

“There is just as much power in the Name of Jesus as there was in Jesus when He was here on earth.”  Seven Things You Should Know About Divine Healing

by Kenneth E. Hagin p. 40

“You do everything I ask of you. Why would you not think I would do everything you ask of Me?” Lord to Dr. Vaughan 6-12-19

“It isn’t golden vessels He asks for. It isn’t silver vessels. It’s yielded vessels. The secret is yieldedness to the Lord.” Kathryn Kuhlman, A Glimpse Into Glory, p. 13

“You have to be a fire to light a fire.” Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 2-6-20

“Who makes His angels spirits; His ministers a flaming fire.” Ps. 104:4

“Don’t touch them until you are ready to release your faith.”

Oral Roberts told Kenneth Copeland this concerning laying hands on people.

From CD, 2018 Copeland’s Minister’s Conference,

Title of Copeland’s sermon, “The Power Behind the Name”

“I sacrificed My body for your body. Now you are sacrificing your body for Mine.”

re. Romans 12:1, Jesus to Kenneth Copeland on same CD as above

“My life is no longer my own. He possesses me body, soul, and spirit. Any results that there might be through this life of mine, is not Kathryn Kuhlman, it’s the Holy Spirit.” Kathryn Kuhlman, A Glimpse Into Glory, p.20, 21

“The sign of true faith is joyful expectation.”  Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 3-21-19

“You will never have perfect peace as long as you are in control of your life. God’s perfect peace only comes when you give the Holy Spirit complete control of your life.´

Dr. Vaughan 9-2019

“Whether they cheer you or jeer you, ignore both.” Someone said this was a quote from T.L.Osborn. That source is unverified by me, but I think the statement is great.

“Your whole nature has to have a clothing of all righteousness.”

Secrets of Smith Wigglesworth by W. Hacking p.59

“Jesus faltered under the weight of the cross, but He does not falter anymore.”

Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 10-25-19 (The implication is…let Him help you carry yours.)

 “The Christian, the child of God, the Christ-man who has committed his body as well as his spirit and soul to God, ought not be a subject for healing. He ought to be a subject of continuous, abiding health, because he is filled with the life of God.”

John G. Lake, Adventures in God p86

I had just finished several important things and I said to the Lord, “Thank You for enabling me.” He said back to me, “Thank you for enabling Me.”

 Jesus to Dr. Vaughan 1-11-20 (Jesus needs a body)

“Decree in Me and so shall it be.” Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 1-10-20

“The place of strength and the place of anointing is the place of consecration to God.” John G. Lake, Adventures in God p37

Faith in God can not be transmitted from generation to generation without new manifestations of the power of God.” (Gordon Lindsay in William Branham A Man Sent from God p.120)

Repeated, 1, 2, 3:

1 – “Every sickness is of the devil. God doesn’t put sickness on His children, the devil does.” William Branham from “Deep calleth unto Deep” VHS

2 – “It is God’s will to heal you because sickness comes from Satan not from God, and God doesn’t want His children to have anything that belongs to Satan,”

Seven Things You Should Know About Divine Healing by Kenneth E. Hagin p. 9

3 – He viewed all sickness as the oppression of the devil.”

Secrets of Smith Wiggglesworth by W. Hacking p.58

“You are always right when you dare to deal with sickness as with the devil.”

“You are not dealing with a person; you are dealing with satanic forces that are binding the person.” Smith Wigglesworth Devotional p483

“Pretense is from hell.”

Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 10/24/19

“When the lead animal limps, the heard fails to reach the pasture.”

A Kikuyu proverb- (Kenyan ethnic group)

“You are a fire starter, not a fire extinguisher.”

Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 4-29-20 (Those who extinguish the fire of God in their lives now may wish they had a fire extinguisher for eternity.)

“The hope of Glory is carried in our bosoms by the life of Christ within.”

Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 10-13-20 (Col. 1:27)

“Faith is the substance that makes what is seen in the Spirit become manifested in the natural through the spoken word.”

Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 11-26-20 (Thanksgiving Day)

“Whether life grinds a man down or polishes him depends on what he is made of.”

Kathryn Kuhlman, audio tape “His Grace in a Dungeon”

“A diamond can not be polished without friction nor a man perfected without trials.”

Kathryn Kuhlman (see above)

“Your reaction to difficulties marks the kind of man or woman you are. Troubles are the best test of a person’s real character.”

Kathryn Kuhlman (see above)

“I don’t remember ever forgetting anything.”

Rev. Bobby Crow, Missionary to Mexico

“The clay can not make a vessel out of itself. It has to have the Potter’s hands and you do not have Potter’s hands.”

Holy Spirit to Dr.Vaughan 1-1-2021

“Let your walk speak louder than your talk.”

Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan Fall 2020

“We can not be in places where the motivation is the validation of association.”

Holy Spirit to Catherine Chandler March 2021

“If anybody, anywhere, will take these four steps or put these four principles into operation, he will always receive whatever he wants from Me or from God the Father.”

1 – Say it

2 – Do it

3 – Receive it

4 – Tell it

 Read about the woman with the issue of blood as an example of 1-4. (Mk. 5:25-34)

Jesus to Kenneth E. Hagin, in booklet “How to Write Your Own Ticket With God.”

“Godly wisdom will come, but first you must resolve the civil war within. The grey matter is good, but it must be the slave to the things of the Spirit. You have to train the mind, for a slave needs to know how to please the master.. We have been letting the grey (brain)  reign over he blue ((Holy Spirit).We are going to have to give up the authority of the grey and let the Holy Spirit become Lord that rules us. You don’t lose any battles then, and you sure are not going to lose any war.”

Prophet Bob Jones 2012

“There is no door in My kingdom that you will unlock to find an empty room. Everything you need is waiting for you to turn the key and let it free. Unlock them with the keys of your faith-filled words.”

Lord to Dr. Vaughan 3-6-2006

“Moving into that place (of ministry) is fueled by prayer, fired by the Spirit, and ignited with His Glory. If there’s no fuel there, there’s nothing to fire.”

Kenneth E. Hagin in prophesy 1981

“If I were there in person I would do it, but now I am there in your person and I will still do it.” (Mk. 11:23)

Jesus to Dr. Vaughan Aug. 2018

“Such a hunger to have more of God was in my heart that I prayed for five hours a day for two and a half years.”

William Seymour TBN Special Centennial Edition p.23

“The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost (Rom. 14:17), so if you are not living in righteousness or not living in peace, or not living in joy, then you are not living in the Kingdom of God.”                                   Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 6-18-21

John G. Lake stated that “at Azusa Street, God told him that any disease that came in contact with him would die.” This was demonstrated during an outbreak of Bubonic plague in Africa. True Stories of Azusa Street and Beyond by Tommy Welchel P49

“When your life becomes My life, then your body becomes the body of Christ.” Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan June 2021 (Col. 1:27- “Christ IN YOU the hope of glory.”) 

The Lord told Catherine Chandler that our time is His time so we need to watch how we spend it…it is currency. 2021

Lord told me to write this on 7-25-21. “It is my nothingness that caused my promotion.”    

“Jesus couldn’t have a bride unless He died. We can’t be a bride unless we die.” Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 3-28-21      (Gal. 2:20)

The following seven quotations are from Rev. Bob Nichols, Pastor of Calvary Cathedral International: 101 One-Liners, Wisdom to Win

1 – “The first report is not the last report.” p.10

2 – “In order to be used of God, we must make a 100% commitment. The pieces never fit until you commit.” p.12

3 – “When your back is against the wall, try knees on the floor.”  p.18

4 – “An overcomer is not one who does not fall, but one who refuses to stay down.” p.27 

5 – “Our actions reflect our relationship with God.” p.37

6 – “Prayer is coming to a trusted Friend.”  p.46  

7 – “If you do not like the mountain, move it.” p.69  

“When your life becomes My life, then your body becomes the body of Christ.”   Col.1:27 Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 6-12-21       

“The presence of Jesus brings an ease.” Dr. Vaughan 1-21-22 James Maloney had an experience of being carried away. He found himself on a dusty road beside Jesus. As they approached a man needing healing, James reports, “He (Jesus) was choosing to move through me. I laid my/His hands on the wasted, vegetative man. There was no struggle; there was no fight against the demonic. There was no binding, loosing, praying, sobbing, begging, spitting or sputtering. The man was healed as simple as that.”

Jesus is the only LIFE the world has. “The bread that I will give is My flesh which I will give for the LIFE of the world.” (John 6:51) “In Him was LIFE; and the LIFE was the light of men (mankind, everyone).” (John1: 4) Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 3-4-22

“The extra mile is never crowded.” Unknown

“You need to be established in the fact that it is His life, not yours. You must have faith in His word, faith in His life. You are supplanted by Another.”    Smith Wigglesworth Devotional–book

“The more of you that you give to Me, the more of Me that I give to you” Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 8-4-22

Jesus gave His body for me (John 6:51),) now I give my body for Him. (Col.1:27) Dr. Vaughan 11-9-22       

 “Humility is the kindling for revival fire.”   Holy Spirit to Catherine Chandler 3-3-23

“In our crucified state we carry Him in His resurrected state.” Holy Ghost to Dr. Vaughan 1-3-23

“Carry His presence in the present.” Dr. Vaughan 1-26-23

“The body is mine, but the life is Yours.” Dr. Vaughan 1-12-24       

“Generals always obey. That’s why they are made generals.”  Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 2-9-24    

“So few people want to spend time with Me because they are so busy preparing ministry without Me.”  Holy Spirit to Dr. Vaughan 4-20-24

“You gave Your body for me. Now I give my body for You.”  Dr. Vaughan 2024                                                                                                                           

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