
Good Fruit and Bad Fruit

Repentance #Washed Clean

Jesus Christ, The Way, The Truth, The Life.

The Holy Spirit

William J Seymour #Healings #Azusa street.

A boy who could not walk or talk gets supernaturally healed.

The Gift of Healing

The deaf Healed

Woman’s chopped ear grows back (Part One)

(Part Two)

How Jesus Christ shows His Love to Us (Part One)

(Part Two)

A Lady with a tumor the size of a basketball gets completely healed. (Part One)

(Part Two)

A Man’s hand grows out from His shoulder to His fingers. (Part One)

A man’s face completely healed of a rotten cancer.

(Part Two)

People in wheelchairs would stand up and be healed.

A 12 year old boy prays for a blind man to be healed and he gets healed.

Three people from three different parts of the world make the exact same prophecy. (Part One)

(Part Two)

A child born of a virgin.

The Life of Jesus Christ

Herod Kills the first born boys.

Jesus Christ Loves You.

We find peace in Jesus Christ

(Part Two)

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High Shall abide under the Shadow of The Almighty.

(Part Two)

How should you love The Lord Your God?

How To Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself

A love that keeps no account of wrongs

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.

WARNING! The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy.

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