
Scriptures used in “End Times” live stream 7-22-24:

Daniel 9: 27
Revelations 13: 1, 2, 3-9
Daniel 11: 31-35, 12: 7-11
Matthew 24: 3-14
My KJV Bible’s commentary on Daniel 9: 27 helps us to understand.
“The making of a covenant between ‘the prince that shall come’ and Israel will signal the
beginning of the final seven years of this age. Concerning this event, the Bible teaches
the following:
1 – The prince who will make the covenant with Israel is the Antichrist, but he will be
unrevealed at the time. Evidently a peace treaty will be negotiated by the Antichrist
between Israel and its enemies concerning a land dispute.
2 – In the middle of the seven years the prince will break his covenant with Israel,
declaring himself to be god, take over the temple in Jerusalem, forbid the worship of the
Lord, and devastate Palestine. He will reign for 3 1/2 years.
3 – The prophetic significance of ‘the abomination of desolation’ will be known only to
the faithful of God. Jesus said that believers must take heed concerning this pivotal
point, for it will bring the final 3 1/2-year countdown to His coming to earth in glory. The
coming of the Messiah will occur at the end of the seven years (or the 2nd 3 1/2 years).
4 – The abomination that makes desolate is the unmistakable sign that the great
tribulation has begun.
5 – The tribulation and the rule of the Antichrist will end with the coming of Christ in
power to judge the wicked and to destroy the antichrist.”

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