You can now join us on YouTube live stream every Monday at 2 PM Central Standard Time in America.


Dr. Vaughan’s Personal Testimony

Demons; Warning

Amazing Faith

The Secret Life of The Heart

Knowing Jesus in the Present.

The Holy Spirit In The Life of Jesus Christ.

Having Prayers Answered

The Day The Fire Fell

What Do You Want The Most

Capturing Your Thoughts

The Mantle Of Humility

Healing; Good, Better, Best

The Holy Spirit In The Life Of The Disciples

The Holy Spirit Through the Disciples- Book of Acts

The Holy Spirit Warning

The Substance of Faith

The Key of Faith


Plugged in to God

God is Good in Redemption: Erika’s Testimony.

The Kingdom; Nana Rennie

Let Us Pray For Israel with Laurie Prior

Africa Testimonies (October 2023)

Hardwired Faith

Under His wing.

Exposing the Tactics of the Enemy

Did you learn to Love?

How to Cast Out Demons

How to Cast Out Demons (Part 2)

How to Cast Out Demons (Part 3)

Who is Jesus?

Overcoming The World.

Representing Jesus Christ.

Wimp or Warrior?

Jesus The Ultimate Warrior

Baptism of Holy Spirit with truth about tongues (PART ONE)

Baptism of Holy Spirit with truth about tongues (PART TWO)

Who said it?

Sold Out To Jesus Christ

School of the Holy Spirit

School Of The Holy Spirit (Part 2)

School of The Holy Spirit (Part 3)

Jesus Needs A Body.

Walking in Cadence

What’s on your mind? Who put it there?

Hearing God’s Voice

Unshakable Peace in Finances, Health, and Emotions

Carrying the Fire of God

Faith That Works

Facets of Healing

What’s your Temperature?

Maggots In Your Soul

Walking in Love

Rest in the Soul

Defeating Anxiety

Defeating Anxiety

Who is the Bride?

Who is the Bride? (Part 2)

God Carriers

Faith That Works

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